Conclusion: Multifunctional business premises for people and nature


Participants from all over Europe took part in the first international online seminar on biodiversity in facility management. What are the basic principles and potentials of biodiversity-friendly business premises and what economic, social and ecological advantages are associated with them? These basics were taught in the seminar. Above all, the speakers David Alvarez Garcia (Ecoacsa, Spain), Štefan Jančo (Ekopolis, Slovakia), Marina Hämmerle (ARGE Löning /Kern /Hämmerle, Austria) and Frieder Weigand (Bodensee-Stiftung, Germany) used good practical examples to show what biodiversity-friendly outdoor areas look like - even in different climatic regions.

We are planning to repeat and expand the range of international seminars.

Here you can find our web seminars and events...

Lake Constance Foundation
Daniela Dietsche
Project Manager
Phone +49 (0) 7732 9995-446




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