BuGG Green Roof Forum on Mainau Island - 11 October 2022
The Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e. V. (BuGG) will present the topic of green roofs as part of its "Green Roof Forum 2022" seminar series.
The half-day seminar on 11.10.2022 will be held once again in cooperation with Mainau GmbH on Mainau Island. The neighboring national associations from Austria (VfB) and Switzerland (SFG) will also be present. Presentations on general planning principles of green roofs, roof waterproofing and thermal insulation as well as on special technical topics (biodiversity, solar green roofs, heat and flood protection) complete the comprehensive program.
Supported by technical presentations, the BuGG Green Roof Forums will feature well-known companies in the industry such as Bauder, FDT, FOAMGLAS, Optigrün, Triflex and ZinCo. This unique company presence and composition alone promises an interesting event. The practical relevance is reflected in the speakers. There will also be sufficient time for open discussions and a lively exchange of experiences. The presentations will be supplemented by a small trade exhibition of the companies mentioned.
The BuGG Green Roof Forum is free of charge for interested architects, landscape architects, urban planners, municipal authorities, contractors and construction companies.
Source: www.gebaeudegruen.info
Mainau Island, Konstanz
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