EU LIFE BooGI-BOP is a project funded by the EU LIFE programme, the European Union’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The acronym stands for “Boosting Green Infrastructure through Biodiversity-Oriented Design of Business Premises”.

The project of seven European partners promotes biodiversity-oriented design of premises (BOP) as a part of green infrastructures and potential stepping-stones for biotope corridors. At the same time, the higher quality of stay due to the variety of elements also improves the well-being of the employees and thus of society.

Funded by the LIFE programm of the European Union LIFE17 GIE / DE /000466

Project Objectives

Promoting biodiversity-oriented design of business premises (BOP) as a measure to protect and increase biodiversity at local level and support the well-being of employees and society.

Increasing the awareness and motivation of companies, social institutions and other organisations and related economic actors to include biodiversity as an important topic into the company’s management, decision making and health management.

Motivating architects, landscape planners and gardeners to promote biodiversity-oriented design of premises and help to mainstream BOP in Europe.


With the results and outcomes, the project contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the European Biodiversity Strategy. The Biodiversity Strategy aims to ensure that “by 2020, ecosystems and their services are maintained and enhanced by establishing Green Infrastructure and restoring at least 15 % of degraded ecosystems” (Target 2) for “biodiversity's intrinsic value and for their essential contribution to human wellbeing and economic prosperity” (Vision 2050). Furthermore, the project is in line with the objectives of the EU Strategy for Green Infrastructures by creating new components of green infrastructure and biotope corridors and therefore contribute to the protection and increase of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Core activities

The core actions of the project are:

Guiding companies towards BOP

In the course of the project, we will support companies in Germany, Austria, Spain, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and other European countries to implement a biodiversity-oriented design of their premises. Companies will receive an overview of the potential improvements on their premises and will get assistance during planning and implementation. If you are interested to elaborate on the possibilities of BOP, please contact us. Become a pioneer and join the BOP movement!

BOP in companies with real estate management

For companies with many locations worldwide, we develop a "BOP Toolbox" with design alternatives, maintenance-schemes, tendering procedures and general principles with a high applicability on sites with different requirements. If you are interested in developing the Toolbox with us or to be one of the first companies to use it, please contact us!


Local green-infrastructure-initiative

We develop and test a blueprint for establishing a local green-infrastructure-initiative in which local authorities and businesses collaborate to implement biodiversity-oriented premises for a complete industrial area or commercial zone as a contribution to the regional biotope network and biotope corridors.


During the project we want to equip facility managers with the necessary information to maintain biodiversity-oriented premises and to contribute to a continuous improvement of biodiversity.

Moreover an international workshop will engage the above mentioned and managers from the construction sector. The aim of the workshop is to formulate recommendations for “good professional practice” that associations for architects, planners and gardeners can promote towards their members and that also can be integrated into technical manuals and syllabuses at universities and gardening schools. An international conference for architects, planners, gardeners and managers from the construction sector will take place in Vorarlberg.

European-wide structure

We will establish a European-wide structure for supporting biodiversity-oriented premises all over Europe. National focal points for biodiversity oriented premises (BOP-Focal Point) will be created and be part of the European wide framework. The members of the framework will continue and further develop the activities initiated in the project. Are you interested in joining us? Get in touch!


During the course of the project, we will monitor the impacts of BOP on the target groups and the estimated impacts on biodiversity.

Join the BOP-Movement

Join the BOP-Movement

Would you like to design your company premises biodiversity-oriented and participate in the BooGI-BOP activities?

Please contact us!

LIFE BooGI-BOP in a nutshell

Project title: Boosting Urban Green Infrastructure through Biodiversity-Oriented Design of Business Premises

Acronym: LIFE BooGI-BOP

Duration: 1 July 2019 - 31 December 2022

Project Countries: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Spain

Project Partners: Lake Constance Foundation, Global Nature Fund, Institute of Life-based Architecture e. V. (Germany), Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung Abteilung Umwelt- und Klimaschutz (IVe) (Austria), Ecoacsa Reserva de Biodiversidad, S.L., Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), Ekopolis Foundation (Slovakia)

Supported by: LIFE Programme of the European Union

Budget: 1.7 Mio. Euro (LIFE Contribution: 60 %)

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